
Famous Teacher

| 中国材料名师讲坛


主讲人:美国工程院院士  Steven J. Zinkle   

时  间:2013年10月24日(星期四)下午2:30

地  点:学术报告厅

题  目:Foundations of Materials Engineering Challenges in Fission and Fusion Energy

支持单位:国家自然科学基金委员会 工程与材料科学部






Steven J. Zinkle 教授 简介

Steve J. Zinkle,美国田纳西大学核工程系主任,美国工程院院士。2013年10月前,任美国橡树岭国家实验室(ORNL)核科学与工程部的首席科学家。2006-2010年橡树岭国家实验室材料科学与技术部主任。自1985年加入橡树岭国家实验室,参加了多项科研以及项目管理工作。他的多数工作致力于先进核能应用中重要基础物理现象的材料学研究,其研究方向包括结构材料的形变与断裂机制,陶瓷中的辐射效应研究,燃料系统和金属合金的聚变与裂变能源系统。他于1985年在威斯康星大学获得核工程专业的博士学位和材料学专业的硕士学位。他公开发表学术论文240余篇,2006年美国能源部劳伦斯奖获得者,TMS学会、美国核学会、材料研究学会以及美国陶瓷学会会员。


Development and deployment of a diverse mixture of economic and environmentally sustainable energy sources is important for international energy security. Nuclear (fission) power currently provides about 13% of the worldwide electricity (and is the major contributor to clean energy with low carbon emissions). A variety of fission and fusion energy concepts are under consideration for meeting future energy needs. After a brief review of current and proposed fission and fusion energy systems, the crucial role of high performance materials on possible future pathways for fission and fusion energy systems will be discussed. Key materials science aspects associated with operation in these extreme temperature, mechanical stress and radiation environments will be summarized. Radiation-induced nanoscale complexes that evolve over multiple length and time scales (with the potential for dramatic accompanying property changes) are a recurring feature in many materials systems for nuclear energy. Several strategies to design new high-performance self-healing structural materials will be discussed. Recent exploratory research on potentially improved accident-tolerant fuel systems for fission reactors (motivated by the 2011 accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plants in Japan following the devastating earthquake and tsunami) will also be presented.

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